Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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Assembly Source File
333 lines
;Debugger editing routines
;Copyright 1991, 1992 ASMicro Co.
;7/6/91 Rick Knoblaugh
include dbequ.inc
include dbmac.inc
include dbstruc.inc
data segment para public 'data16' use16
extrn get_out:word
extrn edit_routine:word
extrn cmd_buffer:byte
extrn config_attrib:byte
extrn spec_keys:byte
extrn SPEC_KEYS_LEN:abs
extrn key_buf:word
extrn buf_put:word
extrn buf_get:word
BUF_START equ offset key_buf
BUF_END equ offset buf_put
data ends
zcode segment para public 'code16' use16
extrn set_cursor_pos:near
public editor, clear_buffer
public do_left, do_right, do_rub_out, do_insert, do_delete
assume cs:zcode, ds:data, es:nothing
;editor - Accept input from keyboard. |
; |
; Enter: es = video segment |
; di = offset into video buffer of first |
; position for user input |
; ds = debugger data segment |
; si = offset of buffer in which to store data |
; dl = max chars allowed |
; dh = max chars entered so far |
; bx = counter of chars being input |
; get_out = value for key that additionally (besides |
; ESC and CR) causes an exit from edit |
; (zero if none). |
; |
; edit_routine = offset of editing routine (zero if none). |
; This routine should return with carry set |
; if input is illegal. |
; |
; |
; Exit: dh = maximum chars entered |
; ax = last key entered (will be either ESC, CR, or|
; get_out). |
; |
; CX saved. |
editor proc near
push cx
mov ax, di
shr ax, 1
call set_cursor_pos
call get_char
call check_spec_keys
or cx, cx ;key was found?
jnz short editor_100 ;if not
or al, al ;extended key?
jz short editor_100 ;if so, don't want
cmp al, CR ;enter key?
je short editor_999
jb short editor_100 ;if below, don't want
cmp al, ESC_KEY ;esc
je short editor_999
cmp ax, get_out ;a "get out" key?
je short editor_999
cmp edit_routine, 0 ;editing specified?
je short editor_170 ;if not, continue
call word ptr edit_routine
jc short editor_100 ;if not allowable input
mov [si + bx], al ;store the char
WRITE_CHAR ;display it
inc bl ;increment counter
cmp bl, dh ;char counter vs max entered
jb short editor_200
cmp dh, dl ;char counter vs max allowed
jb short editor_180
dec bl
jmp short editor_100
inc dh ;advance max entered count
cmp dh, dl ;char counter vs max allowed
je short editor_175
inc di
inc di ;advance cursor
jmp short editor_100
pop cx
editor endp
clear_buffer proc near
push ax
push cx
push di
push es
push ds
pop es
mov cx, CMD_MAX_LEN
mov di, offset cmd_buffer
mov al, ' '
rep stosb
pop es
pop di
pop cx
pop ax
clear_buffer endp
;check_spec_keys - Look for editing keys and process edit if found. |
; |
; Enter: si = offset of start of buffer being edited |
; ax = scan code/char of key stroke |
; bx = char counter |
; dx = max chars entered/max chars allowed |
; es:di = seg:offset into video buffer |
; |
; Exit: |
; cx = zero if key not found in table |
; bx, di may be altered per arrow keys etc. |
; |
; SI saved |
check_spec_keys proc near
push si ;save start of buffer
mov si, offset spec_keys
cmp ax, [si].key_data
jne short check_sp200
mov cx, [si].key_routine
pop si ;restore start of buffer
call cx ;perform special key routine
add si, size sp_key_tab
loop check_sp100
pop si
check_spec_keys endp
; do_rub_out - process the rub out key. |
; |
; Enter: si = offset of start of buffer being edited |
; ax = scan code/char of key stroke |
; bx = char counter |
; dx = max chars entered/max chars allowed |
; es:di = seg:offset into video buffer |
; |
; Exit: bx dh, and di updated if rub out processed. |
; |
do_rub_out proc near
or bx, bx ;already at far left?
jz short do_rub_999 ;if so, nothing to do
mov al, dh ;get max entered
sub al, bl ;minus current offset
cmp al, 1 ;at max allowable position?
jne short do_rub_500
call do_delete ;if so, get rid of it
jmp short do_rub_999
cmp bl, dh ;see if at left of max
jb short do_rub_600 ;if so, don't subtract char
dec dh ;have 1 less char
dec bx
mov al, ' '
mov [si+ bx], al ;space out what was there
sub di, 2 ;move back in video buffer
do_rub_out endp
; do_left - process left arrow key. |
; |
; Enter: si = offset of start of buffer being edited |
; ax = scan code/char of key stroke |
; bx = char counter |
; dx = max chars entered/max chars allowed |
; es:di = seg:offset into video buffer |
; |
; Exit: bx decremented if left arrow processed. |
; |
do_left proc near
or bx, bx ;already at far left?
jz short do_left_999 ;if so, nothing to do
dec bx
sub di, 2
do_left endp
; do_right - process right arrow key. |
; |
; Enter: si = offset of start of buffer being edited |
; ax = scan code/char of key stroke |
; bx = char counter |
; dx = max chars entered/max chars allowed |
; es:di = seg:offset into video buffer |
; |
; Exit: bx incrmented if right arrow processed. |
; |
do_right proc near
or dh, dh ;any chars entered?
jz short do_right_999
mov al, dl ;get max allowed
dec al
cmp bl, al ;already there?
je short do_right_999 ;if so, don't go
cmp bl, dh ;at max entered?
je short do_right_999
inc bx
add di, 2
do_right endp
do_insert proc near
;Put logic to handle insert key here.
do_insert endp
; do_delete - process delete key. |
; |
; Enter: si = offset of start of buffer being edited |
; ax = scan code/char of key stroke |
; bx = char counter |
; dx = max chars entered/max chars allowed |
; es:di = seg:offset into video buffer |
; |
; Exit: All chars moved left in buffer. dh decremented. |
; |
do_delete proc near
or dh, dh ;any chars entered
jz short do_del_999
cmp bl, dh ;past where entered
jz short do_del_999 ;if so, no delete
push bx
push cx
push di
xor ch, ch
mov cl, dh ;get max entered
sub cl, bl ;minus offset where located
dec cx
jcxz do_del_800 ;if at last allowable char
mov al, [si + bx][1] ;get next char
WRITE_POS ;write char and position cursor
mov [si + bx], al
inc bx
loop do_del_100
mov al, ' '
mov [si + bx], al ;space out last char
WRITE_CHAR ;write char and position cursor
dec dh ;have one less char
pop di
pop cx
pop bx
do_delete endp
get_char proc near
push bx
mov ax, buf_put
cmp buf_get, ax ;if no keys available
je short get_c100 ;wait for one
mov bx, buf_get
mov ax, [bx] ;get char and scan code
cmp al, 0e0h ;separate cursor pad
jne short get_c150
sub al, al
add bx, 2
cmp bx, BUF_END ;at end?
jne short get_c200
mov bx, BUF_START ;if so, wrap
mov buf_get, bx ;next spot to get
pop bx
get_char endp
zcode ends